6 guidelines for a
user-friendly website

A website that allows your target audience to navigate easily is crucial. Users expect a seamless experience; otherwise, they will bounce off. But what are the key points to focus on? Here are 6 guidelines that ensure your website is considered 'well-received' by your target audience. 

1. Know your audience: how do they navigate?

It all begins with a thorough understanding of your target audience. Who are your users and what are their needs? Conduct research to gain insights into the goals, interests, and habits of your users. This information helps shape the content and functionality of your website to meet their expectations. 

2. Responsive design for all devices

Ensure your website is accessible on all devices, from desktop computers to smartphones and tablets. Responsive design adapts to screen sizes, providing users with a consistent experience no matter how they access the site. 

3. Clear navigation: make it logical

Intuitive navigation is essential for a user-friendly website. Organize content in a logical manner and use clear menus and links. Users should be able to easily find what they're looking for without getting lost in a maze of pages. To expedite this process, consider adding a search function. 

4. Accessible language level

Consider the needs of your target audience and their readability requirements. Using plain language, such as B1 language level, makes the text more understandable and ensures general accessibility for people with motor, visual, or auditory impairments to access your website content. Additionally, use alt-text to clarify images. 

5. Page load time and speed optimization

Ensure your website loads quickly to prevent users from bouncing off. Limit the use of large images and unnecessary scripts. Compress images to speed up loading times. Also, browser caching can improve page speed by storing files such as text, photos, and JavaScript in the user's browser. When the user revisits your website, these data are not loaded again, enhancing page speed. 

6. Consistent and recognizable layout

Maintain consistency in your layout and design style across your entire website, including using the same color scheme, typography, and button elements. This enhances recognition and improves the user experience, giving your website a professional look and building trust with your users. 

Building a user-friendly, human-centered website requires time and attention to detail. Be aware that maintaining a user-friendly website requires continuous attention and evaluation. By focusing on the guidelines above, you can create a website that exceeds the expectations of your users. The result? Satisfied visitors and a strong online presence! 

Need help?
Ready to build a user-friendly, human-centered website? We're here to assist. Contact Marc at 085-0020 678 or marc.gutlich@humandigital.nl

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