
We use our technology without compromise on design, functionality or experience. With us, technology and creativity go hand in hand. Sustainable solutions based on the best standards and the latest techniques, working on a wide range of platforms, we handle it with ease.

Corporate website

All roads lead to Rome and most of your offline and digital channels lead to your website. A corporate website is still an indispensable part of your entire digital channel. However, something has changed. At this time, your website is no longer a manifestation of your company or organization, but is your organization. People experience your website as they experience your brand and no longer distinguish it. How they experience you digitally is how they feel about you and with that a good corporate website is even more important than before.

Within Human Digital, 20 + years have experience in devising, designing, building and improving corporate websites. We are proud to work on a beautiful group of customers every day and we know how to strengthen their corporate website every day.

Interactive platforms

Sometimes you don't get there with a website alone. The people you want to reach expect more from you as a company or organization. They want to experience or experience your product or your services online. They want location and time independent access to what you have to offer them. At that moment we look at Service Design with our customers. In other words, offering online services or products that can be purchased through an interactive digital platform

This can be done by logging into your website or your own environment within which your direct customers or clients can be helped.

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You also want to sell your product or service digitally. Conversion and sales are important for this and you want to optimize that. We have a lot of experience with the implementation of E-Commerce solutions. Every brand and product requires their own solutions to help people purchase it online. Here we are keen on the latest insights into consumer behavior and ensure that your brand experience is optimized. The sales process will feel like a logical and simple sequel to the customer journey. However, also afterwards! With the right remarketing tooling we can also ensure that a visitor or customer feels recognized and approached more personally. 

We use proven techniques and platforms that make it easier for your life. We do not turn our hands over smart integrations with product databases, digital asset management or CRM systems. A good digital sales channel means that automation is essential. We know how to seamlessly integrate your E-Commerce solution into your organization, so that the digital channel of your brand performs optimally.


Umbraco is a powerful open-source content management system that aims to make it easy for you. Content is king, but managing your online content doesn't always feel royal. Umbraco changes this and that is why we like to work with it. It is powerful, mature and user-friendly: Content management made easy.

The core of Umbraco is flexible, which means that the interior can differ per customer, website or project. A powerful CMS that feels like customization. We organize Umbraco for you with functionality and content that supports your goals.


Kentico Xperience is a versatile Experience Platform that goes beyond managing your website. With Kentico Xperience you have a fully-fledged platform within which marketing automation, e-commerce, personalization and profiling out-of-the-box is available. With this you know how to put your online platform powerfully and to reach your target groups optimally. In addition, the management of your platform or website through Kentico is very simple. With the Drag-and-Drop functionalities and simple page management tools you design your own page. Kentico is a real Experience Platform (DXP), which has increasingly conquered the market in recent years.

As a Human Digital, we are a Kentico Partner and we have extensive experience in the realization of platforms on Kentico. Our developers and consultants implement and configure the platform and our trainers ensure that you and your colleagues make the most of it. In this way we not only promise what Kentico can do, but we also ensure that you get the most out of it.

Sitecore Experience Platform

As an organization, company or brand, you want to have control over what happens online and what you want to radiate. Sitecore is the Digital Experience Platform that helps and takes you further. In addition to a powerful content management system, it also offers extensive marketing tools to really bind customers to you. Sitecore is therefore more than just a Content Management System. Manage campaigns, social media, websites and e-commerce and offer your visitor a tailor-made experience with one tool.

With Sitecore you create a complete experience for your customer or target group. With tools for personalization, email marketing, comprehensive statistics, web forms for marketers and customer profiling, Sitecore offers one total platform for all online channels. This allows you to get closer to the skin of your visitor.

Sitecore is a stable, scalable and flexible platform, in which integration with external systems is possible. Sitecore has scored highest for years when it comes to vision, execution and leadership. This puts them at the top of enterprise level content management systems.

Composable DXP

With Sitecore Experience Platform or Kentico Xperience we offer a kind of Swiss army knife with which we can meet a multitude of challenges with one product. However, it is not guaranteed that this always suits your organization or exactly matches the software you already use.

We have a lot of experience in integrating stand-alone systems with which we ultimately form one platform with these parts. Call this form of solution the Composable Digital Experience Platform and it allows us to always put together the perfect platform that seamlessly matches your wishes and needs.

With the use of a Composable DXP you get exactly the selection of systems you need and you always have the opportunity to expand or expand this in the future to fit. This way you not only get exactly what you need, but you also only pay for what you need.

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