Digital Experience Platform DXP:
selection process

Many companies looking to develop an online platform are faced with the question: how do you select the appropriate DXP system for your online platform? 

Digital marketing
March 1, 2021
Martijn van der Put

Only technology cannot solve strategic problems, but the right combination of tools can help companies realize their full potential in the digital age. This article provides guidelines for professionals responsible for selecting, implementing, and managing a unified Digital eXperience Platform (DXP).

DXP empowers organizations to foster meaningful interactions by providing the means to engage and listen to their potential customers, new clients, employees, and other stakeholders, thereby further building customer loyalty. Companies that choose and implement DXP wisely will benefit from faster time-to-market, streamlined marketing workflows, and long-lasting customer relationships.

6 questions to prepare yourself

If you've just started exploring DXP solutions, it's wise to answer the following six questions to clarify goals and design the project:

1. Who are the key stakeholders? 

Identify a small group of people to discuss and guide decisions. 

2. What business goal do you want to achieve? 

Digital experience technology shouldn't be at the top of the agenda. It should support the strategy. Set your goals, create a roadmap, and find a solution that enables this. 

3. What basic functionalities do you need to achieve these specific goals? 

Are you looking for commerce, analytics, omni-channel delivery? Make a list and categorize requirements into capabilities you already have and those you need to acquire. 

4. What is unique about how you compose digital experiences for your audience? 

Understanding the nuances of your own marketing activities and publishing environment ensures the DXP you choose aligns consistently with your company's existing workflow. 

5. What analytical insights do you need to make a decision? 

With a realistic view of the data you want to collect and how you'll use the insights it reveals, you'll be better equipped to choose the best DXP. 

6. What does the current MarTech stack look like? 

Conduct a thorough evaluation of the current MarTech stack. Note who in the organization uses which parts of the stack, which stages of the purchase cycle each component supports, and any existing integrations in the stack. Also consider other technologies that need to be integrated. This information is invaluable for planning and implementing DXP. 

DXP featurues

With a clear sense of priorities and alignment among key stakeholders, you can start thinking about the features of a specific solution. For almost every organization, flexibility becomes the top priority. Here are some additional considerations: 


Collecting every interaction provides a clear picture of your customers. However, this data becomes useless if you cannot take action on it. Many companies end up drowning in their data without gaining real insights that yield results. Ensure that the solution you choose includes analytics that cut through the noise. 


At the core of any leading DXP is a powerful content management system that manages the website and supports editorial processes. 


Looking for an e-commerce engine? It should integrate with content to handle the entire shopping experience: from inventory and orders to pricing and promotions. 


Consider subscriptions, licenses, professional services, and other fees to assess the actual ownership costs of your DXP. 


In the near future, you'll need to add DXP capabilities that weren't critical to the original scope. The platform should be expandable to accommodate marketing automation flows, digital asset management, or other emerging needs.


If you choose a specific DXP, it should integrate easily with third-party solutions. 

Security and Compliance

It goes without saying that every DXP should provide top-notch security at every level. 

DXP implementations

Once you've made a choice for a DXP, the real work begins. As with any new technology, excellent communication and training are crucial to driving user acceptance. Keep an eye on the objectives set during the planning phase so you have a clear picture of the before-and-after comparison. For example, measure and record whether time-to-market has accelerated or customer satisfaction has improved. Take the time to gather feedback so you can adjust the implementation and rollout as needed to maximize Return On Investment.

Your DXP platform should provide a fully integrated and seamless digital experience across channels and devices throughout the entire customer journey. Empower marketers to focus on quality over quantity.

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