Achieving success in
content management in 7 steps

The demand for quality content is high. From news articles to online courses, and from motivational videos to influencer reels. But how do you, as a content creator or website manager, handle this effectively? With these 7 tips for effective and efficient content management, you can immediately start working purposefully for your organization. 

Digital marketing Content
Augustus 29, 2023
Marc Gutlich

Tip 1: Set clear goals

What do you want to achieve with the content you create? This is an important question to answer before you start creating. Without a clear goal, your content lacks focus and direction. Content can serve various purposes, such as:

  • Driving traffic to your website
  • Building brand awareness
  • Generating leads
  • Sharing information with your target audience

Each goal requires a different approach to content creation and management.


Imagine you are a marketer at a wellness organization. Your goal is to inform and advise people with your online content. Ultimately, you want them to sign up for one of the activities you organize in the region. In this case, generating leads is the goal. You could share several tips every other day on everyday topics such as money management, healthy eating, or exercise. This way, you directly tap into the latent needs of your followers and present yourself consistently as the expert who can help them with their needs in this area. This approach positions your target audience to be more inclined to join your wellness program. 

Tip 2: Create a content calendar

Planning and structure are two key words associated with effective content management. Given that your content has a clear goal, you need to organize and manage it according to a plan or schedule. Simply put, you need a content calendar that clearly indicates what you publish and share, and when and where you do so.

A content calendar helps you adopt a structured approach to content management: it ensures consistency, proper timing, and alignment with your goals. With a content calendar, you have a clear overview of your content strategy, can assign tasks if you work with a team, track progress, and optimize resources.

It is wise to update your content calendar at least a month in advance so that your editors have enough time to create, edit, and publish the pieces.

Tip 3: Tailor content to your customer

You never create content for yourself or your organization, but always for one person: your customer, follower, or the end user of your product or service. But how do you address this person? It is important to understand your customer. Know what they struggle with, their (latent) wishes and needs, what interests them, and their goals. Once you have mapped this out, you can create a Buyer Persona for each customer group. This is a fictional representation of your ideal buyer.

Done with your Buyer Persona? Great! Now let’s move on to the next step. Imagine the stages your customer goes through in relation to your product or service. Typically, a buying process consists of three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. Create your content in a way that guides your potential customers successfully through these stages and helps them make an informed decision.

Tip 4: Choose a good CMS

Creating and managing content without a robust content management system (CMS) is like climbing a mountain in flip-flops. In short, it pays to invest in a good CMS that meets your organization’s needs and includes all the necessary features. This software streamlines your content processes, allowing you to focus on what you do best: creating high-quality content. Nowadays, there are various CMS options available. At Human Digital, we recommend the following CMS systems based on your organization's needs and ambitions: Kentico, Umbraco, Sanity, or Sitecore. 

Tip 5: Ensure optimal team collaboration

It's important to evaluate how your content team collaborates. Look for suitable tools that can support internal communication, such as Slack. Workflow management tools like Trello, ClickUp, and Asana can help with assigning tasks, setting deadlines, sharing job details, and providing updates until the content is published. 

Tip 6: Monitor progress

You're busy creating and sharing content, but what are you achieving with it? To answer that, it's wise to continuously check the numbers and statistics. This way, you know if you're on the right track towards your goal and if adjustments are needed.

The metrics you measure are closely related to your content marketing goals. For example, if your goal is to increase website traffic, it’s prudent to track metrics such as:

  • Total website visits
  • Number of unique visitors
  • Referral sources (e.g., organic searches, social media, direct traffic)
  • Pageviews per session
  • Bounce rate
  • Average time on page

By gathering this type of data, you understand how your content and accompanying strategy are performing. This helps you make informed decisions on how to proceed. You can identify gaps in your content, discover patterns and trends, and make necessary adjustments to your content management strategy in a timely manner.

Tip 7: Create templates and guidelines

A consistent narrative is important. Your customer needs to know exactly what they can come to you for and where your expertise lies. This means that all the individual components of your narrative—the content you share—must adhere to some basic guidelines. Creating templates and guidelines for your team helps ensure consistency in all the content your team produces. Your guidelines should primarily include elements such as tone of voice, target audience, goals, style, and formatting requirements. Share these guidelines with your team and ensure everyone applies these basics when creating content.

Templates can serve as the foundation for various types of content. Besides ensuring consistency, this prevents your team from having to start from scratch every time they create content. It’s efficient, too!

In conclusion

With the tips above, you can create and manage content relatively easily. Do you produce large amounts of content every month? Properly managing these processes can become quite complex. Perhaps the content specialists at Human Digital can help you with this. We offer strategic solutions for content management for organizations of all sizes.

With a team of seasoned experts, Human Digital assists you in effectively planning, creating, and optimizing your content to achieve your business goals. Want to learn more? Feel free to call or email our Sales Manager Marc at 085 - 0020 678 or We look forward to it!

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