Support and maintenance

We can think or, design and build whatever we want. Ultimately, a digital product, website or app will also have to become available online and, above all, remain online. With proven technology, customer-friendly processes and high standards, we ensure that your organization is maximally supported.

Digital support

We strive for a long-term relationship with all our customers. That is why our service does not stop after a digital product or website has been delivered. We love to make clear agreements about what we can expect from each other and always record this in a Service Level Agreement.

As a customer you can follow through our support environment what happens to your question or wish and we will keep you proactively informed of the progress. Our support manager is always available and always takes that extra step to help you. We have dedicated support engineers available for support and always know how to help you with our flexible shell outside office hours.

Application management

A website, app or digital platform needs maintenance. In the digital world, your digital product may not need to change, but the world around us is constantly changing. 

This means that we periodically look at the technical health of your website, app or digital platform. We take care of the updates that are needed in time, look at the important log files and keep an eye on new developments for you. 

With our application management, we ensure that the website, app or platform remains healthy and can form a strong basis for the future.


With hosting, stability, speed and safety are paramount. As a customer you have to be able to trust that blindly. That is why we take great care in the maintenance and management of our web servers. Would you rather host on your own environment? That is also possible. (But we do make a few demands)

We look at the right solutions for every organization or project and provide professional advice. We look at hosting via the cloud (Microsoft Azure), virtualization or possibly hosting within your own location (on-premise) and together determine which options best suit your organization and. 

We use a professional data center and manage our websites 24/7. Our environment offers automatic protection against attacks from the outside. Websites, applications and processes are continuously monitored and our administrators receive real-time push messages when deviations are detected. Your data is in good hands with us and that is a pleasant thought for you.

We guarantee uptime of 99%, our software is always up to date, and all data is automatically backed up. If something goes wrong in exceptional cases, we always take immediate action.

Looking for a partner in support & management? 

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