Human Digital supports Prinses Máxima Centrum and Het Rode Kruis

At Human Digital, we believe in the power of connection and making a positive impact. People First is at the core of everything we do and how we think. That’s why we are incredibly proud to announce that we are now supporting both the Prinses Máxima Centrum and Het Rode Kruis as donors.

December 3, 2024
Baukje Schuurmans

The Prinses Máxima Centrum

The Prinses Máxima Centrum is dedicated to helping children with cancer and their families. The center combines top-tier care with groundbreaking research, with one ultimate goal: to cure every child with cancer while ensuring the best quality of life. Their dedication to this mission is truly inspiring.

Het Rode Kruis

We also support Het Rode Kruis, an organization that not only provides direct aid to people in need but also develops innovative solutions to support vulnerable communities—both globally and locally. From providing aid after natural disasters in the Philippines to providing breakfast packages for children in the Netherlands who might otherwise go to school hungry, their work makes a meaningful difference.

Our vision

These remarkable organizations perfectly align with our vision: contributing to a world where people are at the heart of everything. That’s what People First is truly about.

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