Projectmanager Rick:
welcome on board!

With already two Riks in the office, we welcomed our new project manager this month: Rick de Wachter. With a background in UX design, business analysis, and team optimization, he joins Human Digital to oversee challenging and complex digital projects. 

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March 12, 2024
Rik van den Buijs

What makes Rick happy?

In his first week, we asked Rick what makes him happy, to which he replied:

"I enjoy working on optimizing collaboration within a team. A close-knit team where everyone can thrive, with a clear goal focusing on customer needs and the target audience."

A clear vision, which aligns well with Human Digital in our opinion.

"I take pleasure in connecting specialists to achieve goals as effectively and enjoyable as possible for our clients, always putting the end user first."
Rick de Wachter Projectmanager

The perfect combination

Rick lives within cycling distance from the office, which he himself considers ideal for maintaining his fitness. He doesn't know how to sit still. From walking to motorcycling, he enjoys staying active. And not only that, he thrives in social settings, although he equally enjoys solo adventures. It's a perfect combination that suits him completely. Welcome aboard, Rick! 

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