6 key points for your
local SEO checklist

Did you know that the impact of local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your business's success can be significant? For businesses aiming to attract local customers and strengthen their online presence, a well-thought-out SEO checklist is essential. Here are six key points to get you started.

SEO Content
18 maart 2024
Laura Wientjes

The first question is whether local SEO is relevant for your business. If you have a physical store or offer specific products or services within a particular region, it's definitely important to review the following checklist. 

1. The website

First and foremost, it's crucial that your website has a solid foundation. Here are some elements to focus on: 

  • Responsive web design: Ensure your website is optimized for mobile devices. Many 'local' searches are conducted via mobile phones. When users visit your site, the design should be responsive. 
  • Page speed: Both user experience and search engine optimization benefit from fast loading times. You don't want visitors to leave due to a slow site, and Google will view you as less relevant. 
  • URL structure: The URL structure is crucial for user experience. Make sure your website is easy to navigate. 
  • Internal links: Linking to relevant pages on your site helps visitors find what they are looking for more quickly. 

2. Optimize Google My Business

If you haven't claimed your business on Google My Business yet, do that first. Then, verify your business profile. You can add and optimize your business information, including up-to-date information, opening hours or availability, contact details, and address. Additionally, you can add photos that provide a visual representation of your business or services. Don't forget to add the correct business categories, as these affect your local search results.

3. Manage reviews

Managing your reviews is essential for local optimization. Nearly 90% of people read reviews of local businesses. Google aims to provide searchers with relevant information, and positive reviews can boost your ranking. Moreover, specific keywords in reviews relevant to your business can enhance your performance in local search results.

How to Get More Google Reviews:

  • Ask satisfied customers to leave a review or send out surveys.
  • Place a link to your Google Business Profile on your website.
  • Add a link to your Google Business Profile in emails to satisfied customers.

4. Local keywords

People use keywords to find information on search engines. Using specific keywords as part of your local SEO strategy increases your chances of being found for those terms. Conduct keyword research to analyze relevant terms frequently searched in your location related to your business or service. Use this keyword list to optimize your website and Google Business Profile, including landing pages, blog posts, meta titles, and descriptions.

Tip: Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that people use to find businesses. They often have lower search volumes but are highly relevant to those who are specifically searching.

5. Consider a blog or FAQ page

Expertise, authority, trustworthiness (EAT), and experience contribute to the value of your website content. Google considers these criteria, so regularly publishing blog posts can positively affect your ranking.

If you lack the time to maintain a blog, consider an FAQ page. This page can answer common questions using frequently searched keywords, providing relevant and valuable information.

Tip: If adding blog articles, create as much valuable content as possible for your local audience. For example, describe local events, news, and interesting facts.

6. Local link building

The advantage of link building is that it sends signals to Google from other sites that your website is authoritative and trustworthy, significantly boosting your visibility.

Examples of local link building:

  • Guest Blogs: Are there bloggers or influencers in your area? Have them write a blog post about your product or service, including a link to your website.
  • Local Events: Participating in or sponsoring local events increases brand awareness and can be used for link building, as many businesses will mention your company.
  • Collaborations with Local Businesses: Are there opportunities for partnerships in your area relevant to your product or service? Ensure there is a link to your website.


By focusing on these six key points and following a consistent local SEO strategy, you can increase your business's online visibility and your position in the local market. Keep optimizing your SEO to stay top-of-mind.

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