Koninklijke Visio
chooses for Human Digital

After an extensive selection process among 4 agencies, Royal Visio chooses us as their digital agency. Yes! Our shared mission? Making the digital world more accessible for visually impaired and blind individuals. That aligns perfectly with our DNA. With confidence, we embark on the migration of the digital environment to an advanced Content Management System (CMS). But it doesn't stop there.
Koninklijke Visio
At Visio, anyone can seek assistance with questions related to visual impairment or blindness. Visio provides information and advice, as well as various forms of research, guidance, rehabilitation, education, and living arrangements. These services are available for individuals with visual impairment or blindness, even if they also have intellectual, physical, or other sensory impairments. Both personal and professional individuals can turn to Visio for information and professional development.
Visio's employees focus on what is possible rather than what is not. The emphasis is always on achieving results, coherence, and reliability. With a personal and tailored approach, Visio aims to satisfy its clients. Respect for the client and their choices, as well as the quality of their life, take precedence.

We focus on what is possible rather than what is not.
The client inspires Visio employees to work professionally, creatively, and flexibly. Therefore, continuous efforts are made to develop knowledge and innovate in care, rehabilitation, and education. Collaboration with other parties, both nationally and internationally, is inherent in this approach. As a digital agency, they chose to collaborate with Human Digital.
Choice for Human Digital
We have now developed in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in the field of digital accessibility. This has given us a profound understanding of the unique challenges faced by people with visual impairments.
Our vision for the migration process was clear and compelling. We refer to our approach to moving the current website to a new Content Management System (CMS).
In addition, we offer a full-service approach for future projects, ensuring that Koninklijke Visio can rely on our expertise and support on all fronts.
Towards an accessible digital world
At Human Digital, we share the same mission. We are determined to make the digital world more accessible for people with visual impairments, working together with Koninklijke Visio. This involves implementing innovative solutions, such as 'Voice-guided Search,' which we have recently achieved.
Koninklijke Visio aligns perfectly with the DNA of Human Digital. We are excited to collaborate with people-focused organizations on their digital ambitions and channels. We eagerly anticipate the partnership!